Phase 3 Restoration
Phase III restoration of the 1762 Akin House has begun with a detailed examination of each room and the removal of centuries of layers (plaster, lath, 19th/20th C wall boards, wallpaper of different periods) to expose the original features.
“This little house with a big story to tell”
This little house is sharing its history and the culture of its inhabitants in ways we could not have imagined. Let us introduce you to the small parlor, first examined in 2003 with its circa 1960s paneling and boarded fireplace. We are sharing for the first time the wonders of this room as it might have been in the 18th C or early 19th C, the wide pine boards and unusual wall coverings–no insulation, just the fireplace for warmth. We are in touch with historic house experts to help us better understand this house, its early architecture, its decorative finishes, and repairs over 250 plus years. Stay tuned for more images and information as our research and documentation unfold.

Left image: A layer of early covering suggests an unusual stenciling technique.
Center image: The original pine wall boards (small parlor) revealed in August 2017.
Right image: Close-up view of the wall covering, a pattern repeated throughout this room.