The enemy to saving historic houses are its conditions of wear and tear, or worse, serious damage or deterioration––obstacles that can discourage many from embarking on a preservation (ad)venture. Not so with DHPT.
A Review of Second Quarter Accomplishments
This report provides a summary of the Akin House project for the Second Quarter 2018. Our Preservation Philosophy is in evidence––part preservation, part rehabilitation, and part restoration––come to life––all conducted with guidance by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
2018-Second-Quarter-Report-for-website-072318[Phase III began in August 2017. Prior blogs found in our archives offered detailed updates of our work in progress complete with a photo commentary of various stages and aspects of the work.]
It’s important to see where we started to appreciate how far we’ve come.
Since our second quarter report, the work has continued. We are pleased to report that we will complete Phase III by early September.
Look for a report of the final stages of work in a September blog. Thereafter, we will be scheduling house tours.